“For a Safer Canada” painting

Here is the painting titled “For a Safer Canada” introduced in the video “Il Faut Peindre Stephen Harper (Hanging Harper’s Portrait)” by Simon LaBadie Chartrand.

Click here to watch the making-of video.

Voici une photo de la peinture finale “For a Safer Canada” (pour un Canada plus sécuritaire), introduite dans le vidéo “Il Faut Peindre Stephen Harper”

Cliquez ici pour regarder le vidéo de création de la toile.


This propaganda art is to help restore Stephen Harper’s popularity in a divided Canada before the 2015 elections. It illustrates a broad picture of his important achievements and goal as a prime minister. Such as controlling the people’s safety, and the constant praising of our important and powerful military force.

Cet art de propagande sert à rehausser l’image politique de notre bien-aimé premier ministre dans sa prochaine campagne électorale en 2015. Elle illustre les enjeux importants qui lui tiennent à coeur, tel que la sécurité de son peuple et la glorification de notre puissance militaire cruciale à notre survie.

Huile sur toîle (oil on canvas) – 28″x 22″
Simon LaBadie Chartrand – 2013


2 thoughts on ““For a Safer Canada” painting

  1. Ugh this piece of human waste is just as bad as Barry Sataro (Obama) G.W Bush and all the other kleptocrats that have come before them. How about his other “achievements” SPP (NAU)
    FIPA constant war mongering the list goes on and on. Our “leaders” are tyrants and anyone who thinks they are doing a “good job” is either benefiting or to ignorant to understand what these monsters are doing. I am utterly disgusted.

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